Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The FTS Heat Maps are a powerful way to visualize the performance of stocks based on different criteria and over different time periods. They are accessed through the Heat Maps tab and are currently available for the US Equity cases (and will be extended to other countries soon):
This picture shows the performance of stocks, over the past month, sorted by beta. So TRIP has the highest beta among the stocks in the case, SHLD has the second, and so on. If you move your mouse over a box, you will see the full name of the company and its beta. So by scrolling, you can quickly see how high beta stocks are performing relative to low beta stocks.
You can also view this by deciles. In decile analysis, we divide the data into ten parts: the top 10%, the next 10%, and so on. So Decile 1 in the picture below shows you the average performance of the 10% of stocks that have the highest beta within the set of stocks in the case. You can see that over the last 3 months, higher beta stocks have performed better than lower beta stocks:
You can change the timer period using the drop down; during the day, when markets are open, you can see today’s performance as well.
The tree on the left shows you the different sorting capabilities. For example, you could sort by sector. Then, you would see how stocks in sector are performing; they would be shown within that sector:
You can see that AES belongs to the “Basic Industries” sector. You can also see that the next sector (“Capital Goods”) starts with the company whose ticker is A; holding your mouse over the box tells you the sector name.
You can also see how sectors have performed by selecting Sector averages:
We have provided specific dimensions along which you sort or categorize stocks, and these are based both on practice and on what the academic research literature has identified as being potentially important ways to understand stock returns, for example the book value. The sector industry maps, over time, help with sector rotation strategies. Sorting by your position can show you how your long positions are performing relative to your short positions if you are following a long-short strategy.

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